Detail of back vent, top stitching and lining...

Detail of back vent, top stitching and lining...
I don't have much of a stash (for clothes fabrics - let's not get into quilting fabric!). So I haven't got fabrics noted for some of these as I need to purchase it still. I also need to get some more patterns so that is why there are options listed for some of the items. The jacket - no idea - I want a dead simple cardigan style preferably without buttons! I have not managed to track down anything yet. I was considering this cape - Vogue 8122 in View C, but I have decided that a jacket/cardigan would sit better over the tops, particularly the Burda WOF 119 with the sash at the collar.
I have started on the Burda WOF 119 (it is from Burda WOF 2-2008 - the site is so slow I will never find the link for it!) and have found it interesting so far. I am working in a silk I bought at the Gardams opening night. I don't think I have ever sewn with silk before but I prewashed it and watched a video on sewing with it so, so far it hasn't been too bad of an experience. The only additional thing I am doing over the advice I have had is using my walking foot! I have noticed a difference in the pattern to the line drawing though - the line drawing shows two ties hanging but you only end up with one - thankfully I have used this photo tutorial I found via Pattern Review.com. It is a fabulous site! ( Fabulous is said as in ab fab - FFFaaaabbuulous) There are quite a few reviews of this pattern already but I am thinking of doing one as a learning exercise. I hope to finish the top tomorrow - a whole day off no planned activities.... except to sew...