Yay! I luuurrrvvve this skirt pattern! It is Burda 10-2008-106 which I have been telling you about in the last few blogs. I needed no alterations for a great fit - got to love that!
The first one I made was in a balck cotton with a raised graphic design in it. It is harder to see the details in the black skirt.
The second one was in a white with brown check fabric which is a polyester, cotton and elastane mix. Really hard on the finger tips for pinning and hand sewing as the fabric is quite stiff but really suitable for this pattern!

The walking slit at the front makes it very comfortable to wear.
I am glad I used the black fabric first to try the pattern out and then I used the check fabric as that took more work to match the seams. I didn't try to match the pattern vertically (not sure if I should have done this) but I did concentrate on matching the horizontal lines. I am pretty pleased with how it went. This is a photo of the side seam which has the invisible zipper inserted *head swell* ... yeah I'm pretty chuffed with that!

This is a picture of the lining. It was done in a different way to one I used in my beginner's skirt class. However I really liked their method and it would be very simple to replicate in another pattern. (This is he front of the skirt with the slit).