The other part of this equation is that my favourit-ist black boatneck T-shirt is on its last legs. I dyed it black again before I went on holidays to try and prolong its life but I am afraid it does not have much shelf life left. Sooo, I have been looking for a boat neck T-shirt pattern. I ordered this pattern today (well, with a pile of others... I have to make the postage worth while, don't I?)
I have been de-cluttering magazines so the urge for equilibrium came over me and a few new magazines entered the house. Amongst these was the September issue of Instyle. This picture caught my eye...

I bought this on my trip and since I brought it home I have been trying to work out what I will do with it (and why the heck did I buy it...)
Maybe I have an answer now...
BTW I have sewed Burda wof 04-2008-116 but don't have a photo yet as it is too *bleep* cold to put it on to take a photo. Hopefully soon I will get a picture and show you...
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