My little Coco passed away while we were overseas on the 1st of August. I have found it hard to grieve for her as we were away and busy and now it was so strange to come home and she is not here. She was over 20 years of age and this winter was very bitter cold. I had prepared my son that it may happen while we were away but I was still expecting to see her when we got back as she was so well when we left. I even took her for a check-up at the vet and he said she was in good health for her age. (The age chart on the vet's wall for cats actually stopped at 19 so she was doing better than the odds!) At least Sean was here for her and she actually died in his arms so that makes me feel better than if she had died all alone. Her ashes are being delivered this afternoon so that I can scatter them under a rose bush she used to like to sleep under when sunning herself in the yard. The man will probably think I am a loon as my eyes are going to be red when he comes as I can't type this without tears.
Bye Coco - you were my little friend, my first baby and I will miss you very much....
So sorry to hear about Coco, Sue. A similar thing happened to me a few years ago with my 19 year old cat and then more recently with my boy Max who was only around 13years. It never gets any easier, does it. I now have a lovely new girl, well not so much a little girl anymore but she warms my heart. My thoughts are with you.