I really appreciate the feedback I received on my post about my wardrobe plan. Everyone seemed to give the kind of comments I was hoping for on the pattern choices and the only expressed concern was on my choice of the winter white wool jersey for one of the tops. I had the same concerns (which is why I probably opened it to comment) but have thought about it and plan to proceed with it. The fabric is in my stash and needs to be used and I will try and accessorise it so the pale colour does not wash me out too much. I also think it will be a versatile top because of its basic colour, so with all these in mind it is staying in the plan. (I am however going shopping to a few fabric shops in Brisbane next week-end so if I find something else... well, I am always open to change...lol!)
I have been madly washing fabric and tracing patterns. Two of my patterns are still in the mail, so if they don't show up soon, my plan may well change again! I decided I need to muslin a couple of these pieces so have just put together a muslin of the Hot Patterns Deco Vibe Flippy Skirt.

The muslin is put together with calico (in Australia, muslin in America, I think) So of course it does not flow so nicely as the suggested fabrics. However ignoring the fabric, I am happy with the cut. I cut a size 12. I seem to fit a 10 top and a 12 bottom in HP. Front of skirt:

The fabric I am planning to use is a black doubleknit bought a while back from Gorgeous fabrics. I did not keep a good record of this order so I am not 100% sure of the fabric content but I believe it may have some rayon in it. (Now when I place an order like that I make sure I save a copy on my computer and actually copy all the details of each fabric from the website to the order so that later I can see the content of the fabric, washing instructions, etc).
My only concern is that I am wondering if I should use a lining weight fabric on the inside of the yoke as the dobleknit is so thick it may be too bulky to double up at the yoke. I have a rayon lining bought in my last order (not black but I thought that might work). Any thoughts?
OK - gratuitous cat shots - Lulu helping me sew (she managed to look away just as I took the shot so you cannot see her beautiful orange eyes)...

Lulu trying to work out how that wildlife got into the TV...

I plan to muslin the McCalls blouse next...
Love the dress from your previous post and also that skirt. Lulu is, as ever, gorgeous. :)
ReplyDeleteSue, I'm looking forward to seeing your mini wardrobe come together. Oh and don't worry about that winter white colour being too pale for you. I think it will work really well. Winter white is one of the colours fair skin ladies like ourselves should wear. It's not considered pale.
ReplyDeleteI always love seeing what everyone makes in this mini wardrobe contest. I look forward to yours. My cat loves to assist in my sewing, too. :)
ReplyDelete, gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteWeb hosting india
If the doubleknit you bought is the same one as I bought from Gorgeous Fabrics, it is rayon. I will check my file when I get home. I made a dress with it and lined it in poly rayon. I didn't use the facings suggested in the pattern because I was concerned about bulk.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the finished version of the skirt, I have this pattern at home, and haven't yet traced it off, but I just love that kicky, flippy back on it. I think it will look fantastic on you!